lördag 11 december 2010


Last Thursday, it was my "name day" Anna. Do you have names of days in your country? Do you celebrate them? We do this in Sweden. My love came home with a bunch of beautiful tulips... I was thrilled!
{photos by me}

8 kommentarer:

Sofie B-C sa...

Grattis till din namnsdag! Jag har bott i England i drygt femton år och det slog mig inte förrän nu att man ju kanske inte ens HAR namnsdag här -åtminstone firas det inte! Intressant!

Katie sa...

Those are beautiful!! And that is one awesome vase! We don't have name days in the US.

Anneli Stålberg sa...

Underbara tulpaner som skapar en svår längtan efter vår :)

Buckeroomama sa...

Oh, the tulips are so lovely!! =)

Happy Name Day! We don't have name days here --not that I know of anyway. :)

Have a great weekend.

Vonkis sa...

Grattis i efterskott!
Härligt med så färggranna blommor i vintermörkret.

Ray sa...

Beautiful tulips! They look so Summery and nice!

Jama sa...

Gorgeous tulips! I've only seen tulips in the florist, they are imported from Holland. We can't grow them in the open as we're in the tropic.

Channal sa...

Hello every one! Fun to know about the "name day", thank you all! Poland and Sweden have Eva at the same day, 24/12! Hugs to all... Anna