lördag 9 oktober 2010


Sunflower at the Botanical Gardens in Uppsala yesterday. Daniel Craig was also there recording a new film based on one of the Millenuim books by Stieg Larssson.

Bluberry craft and hobby time

Have a lovely weekend... Anna
(all photos by me)

12 kommentarer:

Sahra sa...

Hur går det med iphonen? Är du nöjd? Är den extremt svår att få grepp om. Är du hooked? Måste veta. Innan jag köper en egen. Kram/S

Gemma Wiseman sa...

Ver beautiful photos of the sunflowers!

Anneli Stålberg sa...

Jättefina bilder!
Såg du Daniel Craig?

Ha en skön lördag.

Elizabeth Lyng sa...

Beautiful photos, I especially love the angle on the second shot.

Chubskulit Rose sa...


Flowers for Today

Diane sa...

Beautiful flowers and tell Daniel I said hi! :O)

Liz sa...

beautiful love the contrast and light.

Channal sa...

Thanks for nice comments! Jag är addicted to min iPhone, skriver med den nu. Den är lätt att lära! Hugs to all <3 Anna

Kaela sa...

Those are wonderful sunflowers!

Kristen Laudick sa...


Unknown sa...

God morgon! Yeah, those pics were taken in Sweden last May. Tack for commenting and visiting. I was in Vasteras and will be back soon. Hopefully this year or early next year.

Will see you again on Saturday!

BTW. You have a very gorgeous photograph here.

Erika B sa...

Oh, sunflowers are just so lovely! Great shots!

Erika B